Кога Турците ја снимаа оваа историска љубовна драма, актерката Мерјем Узерли стана омилена кај гледачите, а многумина се запрашаа дали продукцискиот тим направил добар кастинг и земал некој сличен на вистинската Хурем?
Историските фотографии не покажаа многу, со оглед на начинот на кој сликарите го претставуваа човечкиот портрет во тоа време, но вештачката интелигенција конечно го даде одговорот.
@hermanjuliannahistorian Válasz @anjarisimic részére Hürrem has many portraits and paintings, most of them are titled "Rossa", "Roxelana", "Solymanni Uxor (Süleyman's wife)", but of course, as in the case of Mihrimah, no one has ever seen Hürrem's face either. But we have descriptions from the ambassadors who received information about Hürrem's appearance from the harem servants: she was short, of average build, had reddish-blonde hair and a very cheerful, interesting personality. Since she was a Slavic, Ruthenian woman and had ginger hair, she might have had freckles and probably light eyes. So I asked AI to create her look based on her imagined paintings, hope you like it!🌷 Check my other video of Mihrimah’s look: @Herman Julianna #foryou #fy #foryoupage #masterhistorian #fyp #ottomanhistorian #hermanjulianna #hermanjuliannamasterhistorian #hermanjuliannaphdstudent #ottoman #ottomandynasty #ottomanempire #portrait #AI #imaginations #history #historian #hürrem #hürremsultan #hasekihürremsultan ♬ eredeti hang - Herman Julianna
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